World Anti-Doping Program

World Anti-Doping Program

The World Anti-Doping Program was developed and implemented to harmonize anti-doping policies and regulations within sport organizations and among governments.



In this section, sport and anti-doping organizations can find information about the three levels of the World Anti-Doping Program :

  1. World Anti-Doping Code (Code)
  2. International Standards
  3. Models of Best Practice and Guidelines

Levels 1 (Code) and 2 (International Standards) are mandatory for all Code signatories.

Level 3 (Models of Best Practice and Guidelines, including Model Rules) are recommended by WADA, are made available to Code signatories upon request but are not be mandatory.


Governments have many responsibilities in relation to anti-doping. This section provides an overview of those responsibilities and of the practical tools - including the UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sport - developed by governments to align their domestic policies with the World Anti-Doping Code.


Also available in this section is a collection of tools that will assist sport and anti-doping organization with the implementation of the Code and the fulfillment of their anti-doping responsibilities.


Governments have many responsibilities in the fight against doping in sport. They also have powers that sport organizations do not have.

For example, governments can facilitate doping controls and support national testing programs; encourage the establishment of "best practice" in the labelling, marketing and distribution of products that might contain prohibited substances; withhold financial support from those who engage in or support doping; take measures against manufacturing and trafficking of doping substances; encourage the establishment of codes of conduct for professions relating to sport and anti-doping; and fund anti-doping education and research.

Many governments cannot be legally bound by a non-governmental document such as the World Anti-Doping Code (Code). Accordingly, governments prepared the Copenhagen Declaration on Anti-Doping in Sport, a political document through which they signalled their intention to formally recognize and implement the Code through an international treaty. The Copenhagen Declaration was finalized in 2003. 

Pursuant to the Code, governments subsequently drafted an international convention under the auspices of UNESCO, the United Nations body responsible for education, science, and culture, to allow formal acceptance of WADA and the Code.

The International Convention against Doping in Sport was adopted unanimously by the 33rd UNESCO General Conference on October 19, 2005, and went into force on February 1, 2007, following the 30th ratification. UNESCO Member States are now ratifying it individually according to their respective constitutional jurisdictions.

In this section, governments can find more information about the Copenhagen Declaration, the UNESCO Convention as well as their responsibilities in the fight against doping in sport.


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